SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
バージョン V0.9.9R6
Made Option 16LA and Option FG Standard
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
バージョン V0.9.9R3
CAUTION: This release cannot be downgraded to previous releases.
  1. Compatible with new hardware
  2. Supported new probes: SCP5030A/SCP5150/SCP5500, SAP5000D
  3. Trigger: modified the trigger strategy of /AND and OR trigger from FALSE-to-TRUE to TRUE-to-FALSE
  4. Acquisition: modified the Average strategy in Single mode from acquiring one frame to acquiring averaged X frames (where X = Average count)
  5. Optimized UI
  6. Fixed several bugs
  • Freezing issue in Roll mode
  • Freezing issue relative to Stop-on-Search-Event in Search mode
  • In some case the scope does not update the waveform traces after a long time
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
バージョン V0.9.8R2
Fixed an issue in production process.
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
バージョン V0.9.8R1
1. Increased the data width of saved Average and ERES data from 8-bit to 16-bit
2. Decode: added ARINC429
3. Math: added RBW display for FFT
4. Supported 12-hour time with AM and PM
5. Remote control:
a) Supported the USB-GPIB adapter
b) Added command supporting to query average count when Acquisition = Average
c) Added command supporting to enable/disable axis labels
6. Fixed several bugs
a) Incorrect prompt when saving .csv with “Save all channels” to a U-disk as specified file name
b) Channel ON / OFF labels are inconsistent
c) Freezing issue caused by command CURSor:XDELta?
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
バージョン V0.9.7R5
1. Optimized frequency response of 350 MHz model
2. Fixed several bugs
a) Screenshot Save Info Box does not close automatically
b) Random +/-400 ps skew between channels after power cycle
c) No display from Web Server if the scope boots with a USB device connected
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
バージョン V0.9.7R2
1. Acquire: supported Fixed Sample Rate and Fixed Memory Depth modes
2. Connectivity:
a) Supported LXI
b) Supported Network Storage
3. Measure: improved the AIM limit from 1,000 to up to 25,000 (AIM limit: the upper limit of horizontal parameters measure statistics in one frame )
4. Power Analysis: supported MOSFET SOA (Safe Operating Area)
5. Channel:
a) Two custom probe ratio options supported
b) Supported CP030 current probe (with LPA10 adapter)
6. UX: Added support for mouse wheel when using a mouse
7. Optimized UI
8. Remote Control: Supported to read sequence segments by WF command
9. Optimized the Bode Plot
10. Fixed several bugs
a) Incorrect zoom trace in Roll mode (Stop)
b) Bode Plot draw error (missing draw)
c) Bode Plot zig-zag phase
11. [Measure] Gating settings cannot be typed in
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
バージョン V0.9.5R3
1. Supported CAN-H, CAN-L as decode sources
2. Fixed several bugs
a) Unexpected skew between channels after Stop in Roll mode
b) Some trigger setting with dual-level may lead the scope not to start-up properly
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
バージョン V0.9.5R2
Fixed a bug which may cause failure on installation of option key in 0.9.5R1.
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
バージョン V0.9.3R3
1. Expanded the offset range
2. New serial protocols supported (optional):
a) SENT, trigger & decode
b) Manchester, decode only
3. Measurement enhancement:
a) Supported user-defined thresholds (Upper, Middle and Lower): Measure | Config | Threshold
b) Added items: +Area@AC, -Area@AC, Area@AC, AbsArea@AC
4. Math:
a) Added new operator – Interpolate
b) Added function expression information to the math descriptor box
5. Display:
a) Supported selectable color for traces: Display | Color Setting
b) Supported floating menu so that the waveform is not compressed horizontally when the right-side menu is displayed: Display | Menu Style
c) Supported to hide analog traces
6. Save/Recall:
a) Added option “Save all channel” for csv file
b) Supported to save math traces (except FFT)
7. Supported serial trigger as source of the frequency counter
8. Supported LeCroy probes ZD1000/ZD1500 with LPA10 probe adapter; supported Tek TekProbe interface level II probes with TPA10 probe adapter
9. Added button to reset remote password: Utility | System Setting | I/O | Web Server
10. Fixed several bugs
a) AutoSet cannot find signal with small duty-cycle and large offset in AC/LFR coupling mode
b) Sometimes the FFT Harmonics Marker results are not correct
11. Backlight is not shutdown when screensaver is active
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
バージョン V0.9.1B2
Fixed the bug the attenuation factor is not correct for the SAP1000 probe
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
バージョン V0.8.7R1B1
1. Supported Power Analysis (optional) (Analysis | Power Analysis)
2. Supported Bode Plot (Analysis | Bode Plot)
3. Supported Totalizer (Analysis | Counter). Frequency and period parameters are moved from DVM to Counter
4. Supported 2 math traces and formula editor
5. Optimized FFT
a) Optimized menu structure
b) Supported peak and marker (Math | FFT | Tools)
c) Supported setting max points (Math | FFT | Config)
6. Measurement enhanced
a) Optimized the UI. In the “Basic” tab the items can be customized (long pressing an item to add to or delete from Basic tab)
b) Added items: Median, Cycle median, -Bwidth, Time@max, Time@min, 20-80%Rise, 80-20%Fall, +Area, -Area, Area, AbsArea, Cycles, Rising Edges, Falling Edges, Edges, PPulses, Npulses
c) Supported statistics on maximum 12 parameters at the same time (M2);
d) Optimized measurement accuracy of Rise/fall
e) Supported Trend Plot of measurement items
7. Optimized UX of knobs
8. Set the default function of the universal knob as adjusting the trace intensity
9. Optimized SPO display
10. Supported moving the location of the decode buses vertically
11. Supported single step back or forward in Navigator
12. Added bandwidth limit indicator below 2.45mV/div (1GHz, 500MHz)/1mV/div(350MHz
13. Supported Zone trigger in Sequence mode
14. Added entry for Zone trigger in the right side trigger menu
15. Mask Test: Supported failed history (Mask Test | Failure to History)
16. Increased frequency setting digits of the AWG from 3 to 7
17. After gesture control of the vertical gain, the v/div knob still is in the mode that has been used before with the gesture controls.
18. UART/LIN decode/trigger: supported baud rate > 5Mb/s
19. Reference position: Added user defined delay
20. Optimized UI in Zoom mode
21. Deleted the SCPI command which can start Telnet
22. Supported tapping on zone/histogram region to open the corresponding menu
23. Fixed several bugs